
say what you like...

I know what your thinking,  "I thought she hated cheat editing, and I also thought she distrusted Polaroid frames ever since she had to stick everything in them for her photo calendar" the answer is yes I do hate those two things, but with these I really couldn't resist. "Dusk" from picmonkey was just to good to these to not do it. So please enjoy these photos. I may make a book out of them. I am a fan. Also when I was looking for photography classes, I found some for 120 dollars. I make 24 dollars a month. if anyone likes given photography classes for free, I am interested.


To tell you the truth...

I like single-picture-posts. It just makes me happier when one photo doesn't outshine the other. So please enjoy this one-picture-post. this picture is not edited in my normal way but quite frankly, I like it.  so cheers. Also, no worries there are still more "fruit shoot" photos on their way.
well, we went camping, and I took some photos, and yeah here are the ones I like the most. also possible photo calendars. 


favorites of this girl:

so remember that fruit shoot I told you about? well I decided to add some more photos. All the next photos are ones I edited of my friend Emily Rose. She is a doll, unfortunately I didn't get as many as I wanted because Emily was a little crabby, but I do like these ones, so Enjoy.


before and after

So me and some friends took some photos a while ago and I decided to add for you some of the wonderful ones taken by my friend Emily or Brooklyn, after they took the photos I decided to edit them so here are the before and afters of a few and who they were taken by.
photo by: Emily 

taken by: Emily 

taken by: Brooklyn

taken by: Brooklyn

taken by: Emily 

taken by: Emily 

More of this fruit shoot to come!